


On the open road, tunnels can be a cyclist’s nemesis. You can never be truly prepared for the loud noise, poor air quality, a feeling of disorientation, and the speed of vehicles (up to 80km in some tunnels). On many long-distance routes, cycling through tunnels is part and parcel of a Norwegian cycling holiday. The good news is that most are relatively short, on quiet roads and easy to navigate. Furthermore, if you plan accordingly, some long-distance routes don’t require any tunnel adventures.

Nevertheless, with over 1200 road tunnels in this country, it would be best to be well prepared. Below is a comprehensive overview from an author who has experienced every type of tunnel. I’m not going to lie. Some tunnels are experiences that are not for everyone, but if you use this information correctly, I hope it will give you the resources and confidence to ensure a safe and worry-free journey as you experience Norway by bike.

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